Former WESCO Facility

16,000 SF former distribution center available along IN-67 in Daleville.

  • Address: 13880 West Commerce Drive 
  • ED First Name: Traci 
  • ED Last Name: Lutton 
  • ED Company: Muncie-Delaware County Economic Development Alliance 
  • ED Address 1: 401 S. High St. 
  • ED Address 2: PO Box 842 
  • ED City: Muncie 
  • ED State: IN 
  • ED Zip Code: 47308 
  • ED Telephone: 765-751-9126 
  • ED Fax: 765-751-9151 
  • ED Email Address: 
  • ED Website URL: 
  • Status: Unavailable 
  • Available Acres: 16,000 
  • Available Sq Ft: 16,000 
  • Max Ceiling Ft: 22 
  • Min Ceiling Ft: 18 
  • Contiguous Acres Available for Development: 3.7 
  • Current Previous Use: Distribution Center 
  • Expandable to Sq Ft:  
  • Expansion Date: 2000-12-31 00:00:00.000 
  • Number of Drive In Doors:
  • Number of Truck Docks:
  • Office Area Sq Ft: 2,000 
  • Ownership: Private 
  • Year Built: 1,966 
  • Is For Sale: Yes 
  • Sale Price: $550,000 
  • Is For Lease: Yes 
  • Lease Cost: $6 
  • Rental Rate Annual:  
  • Interstate Name 1: I-70 
  • Interstate Distance 1: 28 
  • Interstate Name 2: I-69 
  • Interstate Distance 2:
  • Highway Name 1: IN 67 
  • Highway Name 2: IN 32 
  • Highway Distance 2:
  • Port Name 1: Jeffersonville 
  • Port Distance 1: 155 
  • Airport Name 1: Delaware County Airport 
  • Airport Distance 1: 20 
  • Airport Name 2: Indianapolis International Airport 
  • Airport Distance 2: 65 
  • Electric Provider: AEP - Indiana Michigan Power 
  • Gas Provider: Vectren Energy Group 
  • Sewer Main Size:
  • Sewer Provider: Town of Daleville 
  • Water Main Size:
  • Water Provider: Town of Daleville 
  • Business Park: No 
  • Streetview:,+Daleville,+IN+47334/@40.1133583,-85.5487455,3a,75y,359.71h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s6hq3d3aSlSkMThJL38bq3A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x881526ef1a900e7b:0x3ccb828a3520ad2f!8m2!3d40.114457!4d-85.548944 
  • Address1: 13880 West Commerce Drive 
  • Address City: Daleville 
  • Address State: IN 
  • Building Size (Sq Ft): 16,000 
  • Site Size (Acres): 2.26 
  • Latitude (Geo-coded): 40.11 
  • Longitude (Geo-coded): -85.55 

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