Commuting Patterns

In Indiana, most workers commute to a job, either within their home county or beyond. Patterns of commuting are significant in showing the labor supply. The county labor force represents workers who reside in the county no matter where they work. Two types of commuting pattern are provided here. The Census 2000 benchmark and the annual data tabulated from state income tax returns that can help provide a more current view.


Commuting Patterns: 
 Top five counties sending workers INTO Delaware County Workers
Madison County 2,200
Randolph County 1,304
Henry County 1,246
Hamilton County 868
Blackford County 652
Total of above 6,270

9.0% of Delaware County workforce

Source: IBRC, using 2016 Indiana Department of Revenue data


Commuting Patterns: 
 Top five counties receiving workers FROM Delaware County Workers
Madison County 1,867
Marion County 1,028
Grant County 513
Henry County 494
Hamilton County 472
Total of above 4,374

6.6% of Delaware County labor foce

Source: IBRC, using 2016 Indiana Department of Revenue data