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December 18, 2009

Twoson Tool / Mursix Corporation Expanding

Muncie, Indiana (December 18, 2009) – At an 11:30am news conference held at the Horizon Convention Center in Muncie, Twoson Tool, a division of Mursix Corporation announced that it would be expanding, purchasing the TK Constructors building in the Park One Business Park, adding a 100,000 square foot addition and adding between 150 and 250 new jobs with a projected annual payroll of $4.7 to $7.9 million. The total investment from the project is projected to be in excess of $12 million. Mursix, headquartered in Muncie-Delaware County, is a full service manufacturer providing engineering and product realization services to high tech industries such as medical, communications, automotive and appliance

“We are excited to be here today to make this announcement”, said Todd Murray, President of Twoson Tool. “This is continuing to build on the dream my father had in making Twoson Tool a world class, diverse manufacturing business. We are excited to grow and diversify here in Delaware County and are happy to have the opportunity to provide good jobs for the people who live here,” added Murray.

“This is another great story for Delaware County,” said Todd Donati, President of the Delaware County Commissioners. “This project involved tremendous teamwork and negotiation. It will provide for quality jobs and a greater utilization of the two areas involved. We not only retain the jobs we have but we will gain between 225 and 400 more when the multiplier effect is taken into consideration. Construction jobs add even more benefit,” added Donati.

Terry Murphy, Vice President, Economic Development for the Vision 2011 Economic Development Alliance noted “Twoson is the type of employer every community wants and needs. They offer good paying jobs and are community-minded. We are glad to have been part of the team that helped to make this to happen. Existing business is at the heart of a community and Vision 2011 will continue its strong focus on existing business expansion and retention,” added Murphy.

“Twoson Tool / Mursix Corporation are beginning a new chapter here in Delaware County. They are expanding their core business as well as entering new markets in the alternative energy sector. They are a perfect match for the Park One Business Park with this new emphasis,” said Jay Julian, President of the Muncie-Delaware County Chamber of Commerce.

The company has set up a website for interested subcontractors and vendors. That site is


Source: Muncie-Delaware County Economic Development Alliance

For further information contact Terry Murphy, Vice President, Economic Development, Muncie-Delaware County Economic Development Alliance, (765) 751-9104 or Todd Murray, President and CEO of Twoson Tool / Mursix, (765) 281-4545.